SOMA Neuromuscular Integration®

What It Does


This is a specialised form of bodywork to realign the entire body and improve posture. It releases tension, increases flexibility, promotes relaxed energy, enhances performance and promotes holistic health and wellbeing. It is not just a technique, but a whole system of structural analysis, directional myofascial release and applied body mechanics.

How It Works


Structural integration means rebalancing both the neurological and structural systems of the body to allow them to work in harmony.  This is accomplished by using specific postural strokes and releasing the tension you have been storing, and then by using stroke techniques that address, lift and support the suspensory component inherent in the soft tissue that supports an easeful upright posture and allow us to achieve your goals, around optimal efficiency, ease of movement and wellness. Many different approaches within a session are utilised and the results are often life-changing.

Why I’m Different


This is very much a collaborative therapy. I will have you perform specific movements and get you up and walking around so we can see how the body is responding to and processing the work. By working together we achieve the highest benefit. You will be taught active movements to aid in release and integration during the session. Active movement awakens awareness and can help you find ease, flow and mobility in your body.

The Holographic Body Reading tool is SOMA® Structural Integration’s structural analysis system, adapted for SNI®. It utilises a unique system of body reading that allows me to clearly see the structural compensation patterns of each client and develop a tailored treatment specific to your needs.

Conditions It Can Treat


Postural imbalances from injuries, accidents, & poor posture.

What To Expect

  • My treatment includes consultation, assessment & treatment.


What My Clients Say

“Cherie is incredible! She has an intuitive approach, and can help release stuck tensions and holding patterns, restoring flow and energy to your body and mind. It’s easy to entrust yourself fully to her process. You won’t be disappointed.” 

Dr Albert Viljoen

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or text UK 07711 670 673 or US +1 360 790 7186