Triggerpoint Therapy and Myofascial Release

What It Does

These are manual therapies for treatment of intense soft tissue or muscle pain or for lost flexibility or function following an injury or through ongoing pain. It works for virtually any area of the body that has soft tissue.

How It Works

It aims to stretch, loosen and lengthen the muscle and soft tissue (fascia) that may have been disrupting blood vessels or nerves, allowing it to move more freely. This in turn allows blood to flow through it and releases any nerve impediment. Successful treatment will see the restoration of full pain-free range of motion along the affected muscle.

Why I’m Different

I start at the ‘outposts’ those active but furthest away from the acute epicentre. This allows me to approach areas of great pain or trauma quietly, with tact, and gently release it. 

By the time we reach the stiff hip or frozen shoulder, the majority of Active TPS has greatly reduced, allowing the facial range of movement / gliding to easily increase. 

It is slow and measured, quite meditative, with the active trigger points being deactivated as the work progresses.

Conditions It Can Treat

Fibromyalgia, occipital neuralgia, cervicogenic headaches, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, connective tissue disorders, recovery from injury, addressing muscular imbalances are just a few of the things MFR is useful for.

What To Expect

  • My treatment includes consultation, assessment & treatment.

  • This is a hands on treatment, but you may leave your clothes on as it is easy to engage with the trigger points.

  • It works through application of pressure or sustained low load stretch.

  • There are absolutely no lotions or oils used.

  • Sessions times 60 or 90 mins.

  • Frequency of sessions depends on individual criteria, including acute conditions  that may require more  regular. 

See my full list of dos and don’t and cancellation policies


What My Clients Say

“Always and without fail, the world seems like a better place after I’ve had a treatment with Cherie.”

T.W.S. photographer

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